Managing skills

The pytlas SkillsManager class make it easy to add, update and remove skills to and from your pytlas skills directory.


Since it uses git internally to manage skills retrieval and updates, the command should be available in your environment when executing all commands listed below.

Using the CLI


List all loaded skills metadata and tries to translate them.

$ pytlas skills list


Install one or more skills from a git repository. If you use a relative name such as owner/repo, it will be resolved as but you can use an absolute URL such as

$ pytlas skills add atlassistant/pytlas-weather atlassistant/pytlas-help


Updates one, more, or all skills.

$ pytlas skills update atlassistant/pytlas-weather atlassistant/pytlas-help
$ pytlas skills update # Will try to update all skills in the skills directory


Remove one or more skills.

$ pytlas skills remove atlassistant/pytlas-weather atlassistant/pytlas-help

Using the SkillsManager class

class pytlas.supporting.SkillsManager(directory: str, lang='en', default_git_url='', handlers_store: pytlas.handling.skill.HandlersStore = None, metas_store: pytlas.handling.skill.MetasStore = None)

The SkillsManager handles skill installation, updates, listing and removal. It can be used with the built-in CLI or used as a library.

get() → List[pytlas.handling.skill.Meta]

Retrieve currently loaded skills. That means you should first start to imports them by using the pytlas.handling.importers namespace.

Returns:Skills loaded.
Return type:list of Meta
install(*names) → Tuple[List[str], List[str]]

Install or update given skill names.

Parameters:names (list of str) – Skills to install/update
Returns:Respectively, successful installs and failed ones
Return type:(list of str, list of str)
uninstall(*names) → Tuple[List[str], List[str]]

Uninstall given skill names.

Parameters:names (list of str) – Skills to remove
Returns:Respectively, successful removes and failed ones
Return type:(list of str, list of str)
update(*names) → Tuple[List[str], List[str]]

Update given skill names.

Parameters:names (list of str) – Skills to update, if no one is given, all skills will be updated
Returns:Respectively, successful updates and failed ones
Return type:(list of str, list of str)