
Sometimes, things should be broken for the well being of the library. This is where you will find such changes to help you update your code accordingly.

From 4.* to 5.0.0

Version 5.0.0 is a big overhaul of how things are layed out in the library and as such introduce a lot of breaking changes if you use the library directly.

If all you do is from pytlas import training, translations, intent, meta, then you’re good to go, nothing has changed, otherwise, keep reading.

The new structure follow a more domain centric approach:

  • understanding: Contains interpreters, intent, slots and training stuff
  • handling: Contains handlers, localization, importers and related stuff
  • conversing: Contains agent and request
  • supporting: Contains the skills manager
  • testing: Contains tests related stuff

The pytlas root module now only exposes the most common stuff to make more easy for newcomers to use the library. Each submodules also has a public api represented by the __init__.py file.

Access to settings

from pytlas.settings import get, getbool # And other getters

from pytlas.settings import CONFIG # Represents the global configuration

# And access it like this
# CONFIG.get CONFIG.getbool

# From a skill, you can now use the agent settings which inherits from the global
# configuration and override keys with the agent metadata.
def my_skill(request):
  request.agent.settings.get('api', section='openweather')

Registering without decorators

Since the prefered approach is to use the decorators, direct register are not exposed in the main __init__.py and should be imported only when needed.

from pytlas.skill import register as register_intent, register_metadata
from pytlas.localization  import register as register_translations
from pytlas.training import register as register_training
from pytlas.hooks import register as register_hook
from pytlas import register_intent, register_metadata, register_translations, register_training, register_hook

from pytlas.handling.skill import GLOBAL_HANDLERS, GLOBAL_METAS
from pytlas.handling.hooks import GLOBAL_HOOKS
from pytlas.handling.localization import GLOBAL_TRANSLATIONS
from pytlas.understanding.training import GLOBAL_TRAININGS

# And use the `register` method on those global stores (ie. GLOBAL_HANDLERS.register)


Utilities methods have been splitted by functions:

  • pytlas.datautils: Data related helpers
  • pytlas.ioutils: Input/output helpers
  • pytlas.pkgutils: Package related helpers

and read_file as been updated:

from pytlas.utils import read_file
read_file('data.dsl', relative_to_file=__file__)

from pytlas.ioutils import read_file
# relative_to_file is now relative_to and accept a folder too
read_file('data.dsl', relative_to=__file__)


ModelMock.get_call() now returns the last call by default.

Managing skills from code

from pytlas.pam import get_loaded_skills, install_skills, update_skills, uninstall_skills

from pytlas.supporting import SkillsManager

s = SkillsManager('your_skills_directory')
loaded_skills = s.get()
s.install('atlassistant/pytlas-weather', 'another/skill')
s.update('atlassistant/pytlas-weather', 'another/skill')
s.uninstall('atlassistant/pytlas-weather', 'another/skill')