
Settings provides a basic handling to enable the user to configure the system.

When you use the pytlas repl, you can provide a config file that will be parsed using ConfigParser. If an environment variable matching SECTION_SETTING is available, it will override the config file value.

pytlas.settings also provides a wide range of methods to retrieve configuration values casted to a particular type.

from pytlas import settings, intent

# Load a setting file

# Get a string
settings.get('openweather_key', 'a default value', section='')

# If you have exported the env PYTLAS_WEATHER_OPENWEATHER_KEY=apikey, then this
# function will returns "apikey"

# Arguments are the same for other helpers
# settings.getint
# settings.getfloat
# settings.getlist
# settings.getbool
# settings.getpath

# You can also programatically set a setting
settings.set('a key', 'your value', section='')

def my_handler(r):
  # Inside an handler, you can pass agent metadata to `additional_lookup`
  # With this call, agent meta will take precedence over env and file settings, this
  # is useful to allow agent to override some settings such as api keys.
  # If you do so, the `additional_lookup` will be check as if it was the env by using
  settings.get('openweather_key', 'a default value', section='', additional_lookup=r.agent.meta)