
Using the pytlas CLI

pytlas include a basic CLI interface to interact with the system.

This line will start the pytlas REPL with skills located in the example/skills/ directory (in the git repository). It will load all data and fit the engine before starting the interactive prompt. The -c cache/ lets the interpreter save its trained data to this folder to speed up the loading at the next launch if training data has not changed since.

$ cd example
$ pytlas -c cache/ repl

Using the library

Here is a snippet which cover the basics of using pytlas inside your own program :

# pytlas is fairly easy to understand.
# It will take raw user inputs, parse them and call appropriate handlers with
# parsed slots values. It will also manage the conversation states so skills can
# ask for user inputs if they need to.

from pytlas import Agent, intent, training
from pytlas.interpreters.snips import SnipsInterpreter
import os

# Here, we register a sentence as training data for the specified language
# Those training sample are written using a simple DSL named chatl. It make it
# back-end agnostic and is much more readable than raw dataset needed by NLU
# engines.
# Those data will be parsed by `pychatl` to output the correct dataset use for the fit
# part.

def en_data(): return """
  turn the @[room]'s lights on would you
  turn lights on in the @[room] and @[room]
  lights on in @[room] and @[room] please
  turn on the lights in @[room]
  turn the lights on in @[room]
  enlight me in @[room]
  lights on in @[room] and [room]


  living room


# Here we are registering a function (with the intent decorator) as an handler
# for the intent 'lights_on'.
# So when a user input will be parsed as a 'lights_on' intent by the interpreter,
# this handler will be called with a special `Request` object which contains the
# agent (which triggered this handler) and the intent with its slots.

def on_intent_lights_on(request):

  # With the request object, we can communicate back with the `answer` method
  # or the `ask` method if we need more user input. Here we are joining on each
  # slot `value` because a slot can have multiple values.

  # This is where you should call the actual code managing the lights

  request.agent.answer('Turning lights on in %s' % ', '.join([v.value for v in request.intent.slot('room')]))

  # When using the `answer` method, you should call the `done` method as well. This is
  # useful because a skill could communicate multiple answers at different intervals
  # (ie. when fetching the information elsewhere).

  return request.agent.done()

class Client:
  """This client is used as a model for an agent. It will receive lifecycle events
  raised by the agent.

  def on_answer(self, text, cards, **meta):
    print (text)

  def on_ask(self, slot, text, choices, **meta):
    print (text)

if __name__ == '__main__':

  # The last piece is the `Interpreter`. This is the part responsible for human
  # language parsing. It parses raw human sentences into something more useful for
  # the program.

  interpreter = SnipsInterpreter('en', cache_directory=os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'cache'))

  # Train the interpreter using training data register with the `training` decorator
  # or `` function.


  # The `Agent` uses the model given to call appropriate lifecycle hooks.

  agent = Agent(interpreter, model=Client())

  # With this next line, this is what happenned:
  # - The message is parsed by the `SnipsInterpreter`
  # - A 'lights_on' intents is retrieved and contains 'kitchen' and 'bedroom' as the 'room' slot values
  # - Since the `Agent` is asleep, it will transition to the 'lights_on' state immediately
  # - Transitioning to this state call the appropriate handler (at the beginning of this file)
  # - 'Turning lights on in kitchen, bedroom' is printed to the terminal by the `Client.on_answer` defined above
  # - `done` is called by the skill so the agent transitions back to the 'asleep' state

  agent.parse('turn the lights on in kitchen and bedroom please')